VIP Goals
Goals and Objectives of the VIP Program
Goal: Players will have fun playing soccer
To introduce all skills by using games
To allow players to set the pace
To relax and be flexible
To keep everything positive
Goal: Players will understand the fundamentals of the game
To give each player plenty of opportunities to play the ball
To build skills on the success of previously learned skills
To involve family members in learning soccer fundamentals
Goal: Players will learn teamwork and fair play
To build teamwork and fair play into practice sessions
To encourage team identity by wearing uniforms and participating in team get-togethers
To reward positive effort when teamwork and fair play are observed
Goal: Players will increase their self-esteem
To establish individual, realistic goals with players
To encourage effort toward goals, no matter how small
To recognize player effort and achievement
Goal: Players will become more physically fit
To encourage maximum participation in physical movement for each player at his or her level
To facilitate player participation in off-season physical activities or sports
Goal: Players will meet and be comfortable with new people
To encourage parents to play a supportive, not active, role during games
To facilitate the development of positive player relationships with buddies and other volunteers
To utilize community helpers