Everything You Need To Know About AYSO
This page provides a short introduction to AYSO in South Los Angeles. Much more detailed information about our program is contained all over this website, but we thought parents would find it helpful if we summarized, in a few paragraphs, what AYSO is about in South Los Angeles
For more detailed information click on the links below.
What age division will my child play?
What team is my child assigned?
What happens at the first team meeting?
Where are the games, When are the games?
When do the coaches get their teams?
What's a Region?
Your AYSO Region is one of nearly 900 local programs in communities nationwide. Each AYSO Region is the same, yet different. The Bylaws and Rules and Regulations are the same but because community needs and characteristics may be different, Regions have flexibility to accommodate their unique needs.
Your Region is identified by its own number. We are Region 1031 - South Los Angeles. Your Regional Commissioner and Regional Board of Directors meet once a month. You are welcome to attend any of these meetings. You can find our meeting information at our calendar page.
Who runs my AYSO Region?
Volunteers - AYSO is a volunteer organization with more than 220,000 parents and friends working as coaches, referees and administrators. It's not unusual to find two, three or more children in the same family playing AYSO soccer - while Dad serves as referee and Mom as coach. Coaches, referees, a registrar, a fundraiser, a field marker, a publicist, a treasurer - many people, all contributing their time and efforts to make AYSO a great program for our soccer-playing kids. Visit our Region's Board Member page for a list of parent volunteers.
AYSO works because the volunteers work.
What equipment is needed?
Soccer has limited equipment requirements. Your registration fees covers player uniforms (jersey, shorts & socks). You will need put purchase shoes, Shin guards and a soccer ball. Shin guards are mandatory during practice and games. Regions also provide field equipment, such as goals, nets and flags.
Shin guards purchase guide: Use the appropriate size for your child. Shin guards should only cover the middle section of the player's leg. It should be below the knee and above the ankle area. Shin-guards that are too big restrict movement.
Soccer ball purchase guide:
Size 3 for U4 - U8
Size 4 for U10 - U12
Size 5 for U14 and older
Remember to write your child's name on their soccer ball!
What age division will my child play?
In AYSO, players are between the ages of 3 to 18. Children are placed in age appropriate divisions based on their age as of July 31. Please go see our Division Age Guide to find out the division your child will play.
Do I have to volunteer?
AYSO is an all-volunteer program. All of our coaches, team administrators, program administrators – everyone is a volunteer. Unlike other youth sports, we do not pay referees – they too are volunteers.
We offer extensive training programs for all our volunteers, especially coaches and referees.
Our policy is to require teams to provide volunteers to train and participate as coaches, referees, field setup, field monitor, team parent and work at our snackbar.
In the U8 through U14 divisions, your child's team may be ineligible for the elimination stage of our playoffs if your team does not provide referees to the program.
We expect that all parents will volunteer in some role. There is something for everyone to do. No prior experience is required for any of our volunteer positions. We will provide you with all the training and tools for your chosen volunteer position.
Read the Become A Volunteer page for volunteer positions and descriptions. We need coaches, referees, field setup, assistant coaches, snackbar workers, webmaster, division commissioners. All parents need to do their fair share.
Contact us at info@ayso1031.org
What team is my child assigned?
In U5 - U8 divisions, players are assigned to teams based on their age. Teams will be formed by the second week of August.
In U10 and older divisions, we conduct a players assessment to evaluate the player in order to balance the teams in the respective division. It is important that all players attend these assessments in order for the commissioners to create the teams on time to allow teams to practice. Assessment schedule will be posted at www.ayso1031.org and emailed to parents.
Balanced Teams. In each division, commissioners will first create a temporary teams, then conduct scrimmages between the teams to evaluate the balancing. Adjustments may be needed before team rosters are finalized.
What happens at the first team meeting?
Once coaches get their rosters, they will contact the parents and setup a team meeting. At that meeting, players will be introduced, team practice schedule will be determined and parents will select a volunteer position for the team. Team volunteer positions are Coach, Assistant Coach, Referee, Field Setup, Team Manager, snackbar worker and Regional Volunteer. Team volunteers will have to complete a volunteer application, complete online Safe Haven and appropriate volunteer training depending on the selected volunteer position.
Coach and Asst. coach will attend an age appropriate training (part online and part field).
Referees will take a referee training course.
See coach and referee training schedule.
Where are the games?
Our home field is Kenneth Hahn Soccer Fields (5401 S. Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles, 90056). U4 through U12 divisions play their games at Kenneth Hahn. In some season, U12 or U10 teams may occasionally play away games.
U14 - U19 play home and away games with teams from other regions in our AYSO Area (Santa Monica, Culver City, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, West LA, Watts, Los Feliz, Pacific Palisades)
When are the games?
Schedules will be posted on the website at starting September 1. Below are the general game times.
U4 - U12 games are Saturdays. Younger age groups play in the morning and older age groups play in the afternoon.
U4 & U5 play between 8:30a - 9:30a.
U6 & U8 play between 8:30a - 10:30a. 1 hour game. Schedule varies weekly
U10 play between 11:00a -2:00p. 1 hour game. Schedule varies weekly
U12 play between 8:30a - 2:30p. 75min game slot. Schedule varies weekly
U14 - U19 games vary Saturdays and Sundays. There are not set game time. Season schedule will be available September 1.
When is practice and how often do teams practice?
Practice day and time is set by the teams. Once coaches are notified of their team, they will contact the parents to setup the first team meeting. Teams agree on a practice day/time and request field space. All practices are at Kenneth Hahn. Practices are held in the evening. The younger age (U5-U10) group will practice in the early part of the evening; 5:00pm - 6:00pm or 6:00pm - 7:00pm.
Once day a week practice for U5 - U8.
Twice a week practice for U10 – U19.
U10/U12 practice slots are 6:00pm - 7:00pm.
U12/U14/U16/U19 practice slots are 7:15pm - 8:30pm.
When do the coaches get their teams?
Coaches should expect to receive their team rosters by the middle of August. Coaches will then contact their parents to setup their initial team meeting.
We consider request for players 5U-8U (Fall), 5U - 8U(younger) with the following guidelines:
a) Parents will email their request to their commissioner (Player A wants to be on the same team with Player B, both parents will email their requests to the division commissioner)
b) If two parents want their children on the same team, each parent requesting will volunteer for one of the following team volunteer roles (Coach, Referee)
c) No more than 3 player requests per team.
For 10U – 19U (Fall), 8U(older) - 14U (Spring) divisions, we do not accept requests. For these divisions, only siblings (same household) can be on the same team. We do not accept request for players to be placed with a specific coach or for carpooling reasons
What is Safe Haven?
To ensure the safety of both children and volunteers, each volunteer is required to take a short in-person or online training session called Safe Haven™. It focuses on safety and appropriate behavior with children as well as first aid and other on-field issues. Agreeing to a background check is also required for each volunteer.
What is Kids Zone?
In AYSO, fans are asked to be cheerleaders, not critics. Kids Zone® is a unique program that includes a parent pledge that moms and dads sign to commit to positive, encouraging behavior when they’re watching the games. It also includes signs, buttons and other game-day reminders. Read more …
If you register your child and then decide for any reason that the player will not play in our region, please notify us as soon as possible. Note that your team coach cannot issue you a refund.
All requests for a refund must be submitted via our online refund request form
How does the Wait List work?
There are times when we may have more kids sign up to play in a specific division than we have room for or we do not have a sufficient number of certified volunteer coaches for a specific age division. In these cases we may be forced to place registered players on a Wait List until such time as either a new team is able to be formed or a space on an existing team becomes available. While this is not a common occurrence or a desired practice, it is sometimes necessary. In most cases, parents will be notified when they register (particularly for late registrations) that their child has been placed on a Wait List.
Players will not necessarily come off of the Wait List in the order in which they were placed on it. Region 1031 will instead use a combination of factors to add players to teams or open spaces on teams. These factors include: volunteer status of the parents, order in which the player was registered, and rating of the player.
When taking players from the Wait List, we must take into account all of the program objectives and AYSO Philosophies, starting with maintaining balanced teams. This means that when a player drops from a team, we will look for a player of similar ability on the Wait List - we will look to replace a dropping strong player with another strong player if at all possible and vice versa. If we are unable to remove players from the Wait List prior to Week 3 of the Fall season, then we will offer parents a full refund.