Team Volunteer Summary

Thank you for volunteering. We are an ALL volunteer program. We are an AYSO Platinum Region. This is accomplished with the support of our volunteer parents; coach, referees, field setup, commissioners, etc.

The region needs the support of each parent to keep the program running. Below are the tasks that are needed to run the quality soccer program we are providing in the community.

Each team provides volunteers to perform the various jobs that are crucial to operation of the program.

* These volunteer roles earn team points which determine if your team qualifies for playoff computation.

How to become a volunteer for your team

Volunteer Points Reports

Volunteers earn points for their teams. You can view your team's volunteer point status at the links below.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Volunteer Point Requirement By Division

U5 - U6 Team volunteer Requirement

Teams that meet the U5 volunteer point requirement will be invited to the end of season World Cup tournament

U8 Team Volunteer Requirement

Teams that meet the U8 volunteer point requirement will be invited to the end of season World Cup tournament

U10 - U14 Playoff Requirement

Teams that meet the requirements below are eligible to participate in the U10 - U19 division playoffs.

      Go to Referee Point Program for instructions on how to earn referee points.